Pension Calculator Pension policies can vary with different organizations. Because important pension-related decisions made before retirement cannot be reversed, employees may need to consider them carefully. The following calculations can help evaluate three of …
Apr 2, 2012 · Which amounts of compensation will be used in the calculation? For MSERS Members hired ON/AFTER APRIL 2, 2012, the average is based on your highest five year salary average. The maximum pension is 80% of the salary average.
Members of the Massachusetts State Employees’ Retirement System (MSERS) can use the retirement calculator below to calculate an estimated pension amount based on their group classification and beneficiary details.
Below are our two “retirement percentage” charts, which provide a comparison of the percentage of salary average allowed under the regular and RetirementPlus formulas, by service and age, for each Membership Tier.
How to use this table Find your Final Rate of Earnings in the first column. Find your years of service credit (top line). Your estimated pension at age 60 or older will be the amount shown at the point where your earnings line and service column intersect.
How to use this table. 1. Find your final rate of earnings (definition on page 17) in the first column. 2. Find your years of service credit (top line). 3. Your estimated pension at age 60 or older will be the amount shown at the point where your earnings line and service column intersect.
Dec 12, 2022 · To see your benefit factor for each quarter year of age, choose your retirement formula below. Each PDF includes two charts. The first chart shows how the benefit factor increases for each quarter year of age. The second chart shows the percentage of final compensation you will receive.