Summary of geology and ground-water resources of Passaic County…
Ground water in Passaic County occurs in intergranular openings of unconsolidated stratified deposits of Quaternary age and in joints and fractures in consolidated rocks of Precambrian, Paleozoic, and Triassic age. The Brunswick Formation of Triassic age is the most important aquifer in the southeastern one-third of Passaic County.
Major aquifers in New Jersey | U.S. Geological Survey - USGS.gov
Ground water in Passaic County occurs in intergranular openings of unconsolidated stratified deposits of Quaternary age and in joints and fractures in consolidated rocks of Precambrian, Paleozoic, and Triassic age.The Brunswick Formation of Triassic age is the most important aquifer in the southeastern one-third of Passaic County.
Passaic Formation - Wikipedia
The Passaic Formation is a mapped bedrock unit in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York. It was previously known as the Brunswick Formation since it was first described in the vicinity of New Brunswick, New Jersey .
Fractured-aquifer hydrogeology from geophysical logs; the passaic ...
Jan 1, 1997 · The Passaic Formation consists of gradational sequences of mudstone, siltstone, and sandstone, and is a principal aquifer in central New Jersey. Ground‐water flow is primarily controlled by fractures interspersed throughout these sedimentary rocks and characterizing these fractures in terms of type, orientation, spatial distribution ...
Large areas of natural woodlands and wetlands and numerous streams further characterize the area. This pattern of landforms has been naturally shaped by geologic processes that have operated over the past one billion years.
Title: NJDEP - NJGS - Geology of Passaic County in Brief Author: David P. Harper Created Date: 4/14/2009 10:38:02 AM
Geolex — Passaic publications - USGS
Mar 12, 2025 · The age of the Passaic Formation, based on spore assemblages is as follows: lower Passaic--late Carnian; middle Passaic--early and middle Norian; upper Passaic--late Norian; uppermost Passaic--early Hettangian.
Passaic Formation (Lower Jurassic and Upper Triassic) (Olsen, 1980a) - Interbedded sequence of reddish-brown, and less often maroon or purple, fine-to coarse-grained sandstone and a pebbly sandstone, pebble conglomerate, siltstone, shaly siltstone, silty shale, and shale.
The ERI for Passaic County illustrates and describes the baseline environmental resources in the Highlands Preservation Area, for which county Plan Conformance is mandated by the Highlands Act.
Category:Landforms of Passaic County, New Jersey - Wikipedia
Pages in category "Landforms of Passaic County, New Jersey" The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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