Tyrannosaurus Rex means “terrible lizard.” T-Rex was one of the most powerful and ferocious predators ever to walk the Earth. He lived during the Cretaceous Period in what is the West …
Yangchuanosaurus means "Yangchuan lizard." Yangchuanosaurus was a large carnivore. Scientists have found specimens that were over 35 feet long! He lived
Wannanosaurus means “Wannan lizard.” Wannanosaurus was probably very small. Scientists think this dinosaur was omnivorous (eating plants and meat). He lived during the Cretaceous …
Brachiosaurus means arm lizard. He is named this because his forelegs are longer than his hind legs . He lived during the late Jurassic and Early Cretacious Periods.
Fabrosaurus means “Fabre’s lizard” . He was named in honor the French geologist who discovered him, Jean Fabre. Fabrosaurus was tiny dinosaur that was present in the early …