Western Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO) skipjack and North Pacific albacore have achieved major milestones in sustainable ...
“Despite the difficult economic conditions of the last year, we’ve seen remarkable resilience and stability in the sustainable seafood sector. This would not have been the case in the absence of the ...
Aktuell sind 572 Fischereien nach dem MSC-Standard zertifiziert. Sie landen 16,5% des weltweiten Fischfangs an. Nachhaltige Fischerei ist ein Balanceakt: Wie viel Fisch kann gefangen und wie viel ...
Leaders of the sustainable seafood and aquaculture sectors gathered in Plymouth last night to celebrate the achievements of the sustainable seafood and responsible sourcing movements. More than 100 ...
Sainsbury’s was awarded a ‘double win’ for MSC UK Supermarket of the Year and ASC UK Retailer of the Year at last night’s Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) UK ...
Support for sustainable fishing and seafood from retailers and consumers remains resilient despite ongoing cost of living crises globally according to the MSC’s latest Annual Report, Celebrating ...
O apoio dos retalhistas e dos consumidores à pesca e aos produtos do mar sustentáveis permanece resiliente, apesar da atual crise do custo de vida a nível mundial, de acordo com o mais recente ...
Según el último Informe Anual de Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) publicado hoy, Liderazgo en Pesca Sostenible, las distribuidoras y los consumidores siguen respaldando a los productos pesqueros ...
During Seafood Directions 2024 in Tasmania, we caught up with Professor Gretta Pecl AM, one of Australia's leading marine ecologists. As a Lead Councillor of the Biodiversity Council and Director of ...
Die gemeinnützige Organisation Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) warnt anlässlich des Welternährungstages (16. Oktober) eindringlich vor den dramatischen Folgen der Überfischung für die globale ...
The MSC was created as a market-based program for sustainable fishing to drive change on the water and address the issue of overfishing through consumer and supply chain engagement. The Sustainable ...
MSCジャパンの公式Xアカウント(@MSC_Japan)をフォロー。 MSCラベルが付いた商品はどんなものがあるか、どこで売っているかを、ハッシュタグ「#見つけたMSCラベル」を付けてXに投稿。 商品の ...