Gemstones has become an HBO fan favorite over its last three seasons. The comedy follows a family of wealthy televangelists, played by John Goodman, Adam Devine, Edi Patterson, and McBride. The show ...
Robert Eggers has closed his deal to write and direct a 'Labyrinth' sequel for TriStar and The Jim Henson Company, Deadline has learned.
One day ago, it was confirmed that Eggers will direct Werwulf, which he also wrote with Sjón. Planned to arrive in theaters on Dec. 25, 2026, the movie will be set in 13th-century England and feature ...
Thankfully, the wheels never stopped turning to get us another Jim Henson Company production; we need puppets now more than ever.
To anyone who saw Nosferatu (or the earlier news that Eggers was in talks on a Labyrinth project), that maybe isn’t the biggest possible surprise — all the blood, perverse mon ...
Today, it was announced that Robert Eggers has signed on to direct and write a sequel to the Jim Henson 1986 classic ...
In other words: buckle up, kids, we’re getting a Labyrinth sequel! Some obvious concerns may immediately arise. Jim Henson, director and creative mind behind The Muppets, passed away in 1990. And ...
It was confirmed on Thursday that Nosferatu director Robert Eggers has closed a deal to write and direct a new movie, said to be a follow up to the original 1986 film.
Instead, he’s taking on two wildly different projects. According to Deadline, Eggers will write and direct a sequel to the 1986 Jim Henson movie Labyrinth, a fantasy epic that will take him out of his ...
The choice to revisit Labyrinth without David Bowie as Jareth the Goblin King—or Jim Henson’s puppet wizardry, for that matter—is a bit eyebrow-raising, but Eggers has never been in the business of ...