Rhode Island Energy is paying $8 million to compensate ratepayers for a billing manipulation scheme by the previous owner of ...
Police placed the Flanagan Campus of the Community College of Rhode Island on lockdown Thursday evening after reports of a ...
The FBI has arrested a California man for making hundreds of obscene and threatening telephone calls to women in ...
RI for Community & Justice's core components promote racial equity and social justice, youth leadership and development, and ...
For years, Rep. Edith Ajello has tried to legalize physician-assisted death in Rhode Island. This year she hopes the outcome ...
Stay updated with breaking news, weather updates, bank holidays and upcoming public holidays in march.
Tournament against the George Washington Revolutionaries. Thursday's meeting is the first this season for the teams.
The American Civil Liberties Union of Rhode Island will announce a lawsuit against the Trump administration Thursday.
Rhode Island boasts several restaurants that could be considered for the America's Classics Awards, including Angelo's Civita ...
Two sliding teams square off when the Rhode Island Rams (17-12, 6-11 A-10) host the Fordham Rams (11-19, 3-14 A-10) on ...
(WJAR) — The ACLU of Rhode Island is expected to announce a lawsuit challenging a Trump executive order. The organization ...
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (WPRI) — A Woonsocket man was arraigned Wednesday for allegedly forging nomination papers while running for ...