NOW is an instant streaming service offering access to all 12 Sky Sports channels, every Sky Sports+ stream, and much more; ...
When it comes to TVs, 4K and Ultra HD (or UHD) are referring to the same resolution. Those TVs, along with Ultra HD Blu-ray, ...
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment have revealed plans to release John Carpenter’s Starman on 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray in a ...
As reported by, the 4K Blu-ray of A Knight's Tale will be released on May 20, 2025, with plenty of extras for ...
In the streaming era, physical media continues to become an increasingly rarified collectible. Even if filmmakers work with companies that agree to release copies of their work on disc, the ...
If you want a TL;DR of the biggest upcoming home movie and TV show releases, look no further than the list above. We keep it updated and change out the featured items regularly. Below, you'll find ...
Die Massen zieht es auf der Retro Classics zu den vielen Ikonen der Automobilgeschichte, die die Oldtimer-Messe in Stuttgart jedes Jahr präsentiert. Wer selbst eine historische Edelkarosse sein Eigen ...
Windows 11 unterstützt die Anzeige eines HDR-Monitorbilds, das besonders kontrastreich ausfällt. Das Aktivieren von HDR gelingt über die Einstellungen-App. Und auch eine Tastenkombination ist ...
The best 4K projectors are still the ultimate way for you to get an immersive theater experience at home. All of the projectors in this guide are capable of beaming a larger image than any regular ...
It offers an incredible picture (especially for 4K, HDR movies and shows) and comes with a lengthy list of gaming- and A/V-related features. That said, the LG C4 still might prove a little ...
In drei Monaten findet in Leipzig die Turn-EM statt. Der Missbrauchsskandal von Stuttgart wirbelt die Vorbereitung durcheinander. Eine Frage: Wie geht es mit Helen Kevric weiter? Beim Stichwort ...
In the case of the MX Brio — and some other 4K webcams — you can also adjust exposure (automatically or manually), switch on HDR mode, enable low-light compensation, adjust color balance and ...