First Trust NASDAQ® ABA Community Bank Index Fund ETF (NASDAQ:QABA) was launched on 6/29/2009 and tracks the NASDAQ OMX® ABA Community Bank Index. QABA has 154 holdings, a 30-day SEC yield of 2. ...
Hindii keessatti tajaajilli kalee nama biraa irraa fuudhanii nama biraaf galchuu koree hospitaalichi ykn bulchaan naannichaa hundeesseen raggaa'uu qaba. Zeyaan namoota afuriin gaaffii fi deebiin ...
Çelebi dedicated many years to this mosque before voluntarily retiring in 1987. At the age of 24, Çelebi embarked on his journey into the art of calligraphy, seeking to refine his skills under the ...
The Fund seeks investment results that correspond generally to the price and yield (before the Funds fees and expenses) of an equity index called the NASDAQ OMX ABA Community Bank Index. The Fund ...
The new Saudi Riyal symbol is inspired by Arabic calligraphy and embodies the Kingdom's rich cultural heritage. The implementation of the new symbol will be gradual for financial and commercial ...
The Saudi riyal symbol “embodies the Kingdom’s rich cultural heritage, carrying the name of the national currency ‘Riyal’ in a design derived from Arabic calligraphy,” SPA said.
Saalqunnamtii malee gaa'ela keessa turuu hin dandeenyu. Kophaa koo jirachuu qaba." Asiin dura qoricha kanaaf kan ulfa ittisuu dhaabbata gargaarsaa mootummaa Ameerikaa isa guddaa USAID irraa ...
Our newly opened fourth-floor collection exhibition Calligraphic Abstraction focuses on artists from around the world who turned to the expressive possibilities of calligraphy in abstract art in the ...