Paul John Herbert, 54, of Shelburne Falls, received more than $344,000 in VA disability benefits by falsely claiming to have been injured by an IED.
Coffee City was officially designated a Purple Heart City during Monday night’s city council meeting. The designation honors ...
Mar. 12, 2025 — A sedentary lifestyle such as watching TV (two or more hours daily) may be a key factor in the risk of developing heart and blood vessel diseases, according to an analysis of ...
After serving in the Marines from 1989 through 1993, Paul John Herbert, 54, started telling a false story in 2010 about sustaining a traumatic brain injury in a roadside explosion in Iraq, according ...
CINCINNATI (WXIX) - Years of service in the Army sparked a Bond Hill native’s dedication to service that has now led him to ...
A former U.S. Marine from Shelburne Falls pleaded guilty to making false statements regarding injuries he received in the line of duty and was overpaid $344,040 in disability benefits by the VA.
Amid chilly breezes, veterans and city officials gathered for a ceremony to designate Henderson as a Purple Heart City, a move to honor the brave men and women ...
Caraday of Corpus Christi was recently honored with the prestigious Purple Heart designation for its efforts in providing ...
SAVANNAH, Ga. (WSAV) — The Veterans Council of Chatham County presented a pin from the Military Order of the Purple Heart to Howard Young. Take a look at some of the photos from the event.
The Veterans Council of Chatham County presented a pin from the Military Order of the Purple Heart to Howard Young. Take a look at some of the photos from the event.
Los Hermanos Familia and the Military Order of the Purple Heart will organize the parade. The parade will step off at 9:45 a.m. from First Baptist Church, head east down Broadway to the South ...