It is a safety net for students who enroll in Math 151 and find the challenges of a collegiate course- pace and independent inquiry- too much for them. For that reason, there is limited space in these ...
Applications to physics, economics and geometry are highlighted. Successful completion of Math 111 is awarded 4 semester hours of credit. The lecture sections of the course meet 3 times a week for 50 ...
Math 114, which fulfills the university mathematics requirement, is designed for liberal arts majors who currently do not intend to take additional courses in mathematics. For several weeks, the ...
An opportunity to hear about the mathematical sciences major and learn about the different paths and courses you can take. Watch for details for Fall 2025. The major in mathematical statistics (MST) ...
As part of the 30 hours of formal 5000-level mathematics courses, the student must complete the following courses with a grade of B or better: o MATH 5550: Abstract Algebra I. The student must pass ...