Candace Hicks crafts incredibly realistic composition notebooks using canvas, needle, and thread with "written" pages within.
Here are the 55 best metal covers of classic rock hits. Playing covers, or even just riffs from your favorite songs is how so many musicians and bands start off. And even as careers progress and ...
A large audience watches as Curt Meine, senior fellow at The Aldo Leopold Foundation, gives a podium talk about the evolution of the classic book “A Sand County Almanac” by Aldo Leopold at the ...
In this video I will show the idea of decorating a notebook with cardboard. Hope you like the idea! #diyideas #diy #diycraft The side of the notebook and the back wall were sealed with paper ...
We maintain the two most recently released major versions of Jupyter Notebook, Classic Notebook v6 and Notebook v7. Notebook v5 is no longer maintained. All Notebook v5 users are strongly advised to ...