Longview residents took to the streets to protest President Trump's recent immigration policies, as well as those he is planning to implement in the coming week. Visit this article to learn more: ...
Editor: What has become of the Republican party? Where did it go? The party of Ike. Ron. George. They must all be spinning in their graves. Used to be Republicans ...
A report looked at the opinions of Texans on legislation that would legalize different forms of gambling and marijuana use in ...
Gov. Greg Abbott visited Athens on Tuesday, pushing for support of school choice ahead of a potential vote on the ...
U.S. Rep. Nathaniel Moran told a crowd Monday in Longview that the nation needs to reduce its spending and that doing so will ...
Gov. Greg Abbott has big plans for Texas, and despite a lingering power struggle within the state Republican Party, most of ...
One Longview woman is helping others find their voice by creating a safe space for people to share their stories and become published authors. Visit this article to learn more: KETK/FOX51 News covers ...