As suburbs grow across the Wasatch Front, Utah transit agencies are trying to plan ahead to keep pace with new development.
The city's first modern light-rail system would run in dedicated lanes on city streets with priority at traffic signals.
Transit says the goal is to create better connections, strive for more on-time arrivals, and improve the overall experience ...
A new bus loop is scheduled to open on March 30 and will serve as an important connection point between bus and rail service.
Canada’s Alto and the Cadence consortium sign an agreement to develop HSR (high-speed rail) between Toronto and Québec City.
The Metro Transit “user experience” is improving, especially for those who keep up with technology like mobile apps.
Transit stops in Indonesia’s capital are being named after banks, a coffee chain and even a rock band. It’s a commercial win ...
Just under £500,000 was spent on the aborted electric rapid transit (eRT) plan, with £11m reallocated with permission from ...
Construction on phase three of the 5th Street Improvements is set to begin Monday, March 17, 2025, affecting traffic and ...
A new map has revealed the busiest bus and tram routes in Greater Manchester - and how to get around them without waiting ...
The city says it intends "to research and ascertain market capability in establishing an external, public-facing online store ...
Community Transit will adjust schedule times on most bus routes. The changes allow riders to take advantage of an added 15,000 annual ...