The works explore a process familiar to Jewish visitors to the death camps and the former homes of vanished loved ones: an ...
An appeals court in Poland says that it will rule next month in the case of a women's rights activist convicted in 2023 of ...
Romanian presidential candidate Călin Georgescu raises the possibility of Romania and Poland annexing Ukrainian territory.
ESB Networks managing director Nicholas Tarrant said the storm will encourage the utility to take stock of the overall network in order to learn from it going forward ...
There is a growing sense that the Indian government has been over-taxing its citizens. But is that so? We explain.
As tensions rise, NATO has launched Baltic Sentry 2025 to enhance security and resilience. European Commission President ...
European Union home affairs ministers meet in Warsaw on Thursday to discuss migration and the internal security of the bloc.
Her partner Biser Dzhambazov, 43, from Harrow, north London, and Orlin Roussev, 46, from Great Yarmouth, have admitted being part of the three-year plot. Ivanova has claimed she was deceived, ...
The viral video shows Polish tanks during a military parade in the country’s capital, and it predates President Trump’s ...
In a world where people are more mobile than ever, nations are struggling to recalibrate who can be a citizen.
Fasten your seatbelt for a joyride and Tour of Beauty of some of the best luxury beauty products from around the world,.