The Michigan Department of Natural Resources says it won’t let any federal funding issues slow its work to protect the Great ...
One of California's national parks may not attract as many visitors as Yosemite, but it's a goldmine for wildlife viewing ...
Although most small birds prefer insects or native, wild seeds to munch on, they will also dine on lawn seeds if given the ...
In nature, interactions between species are often framed in terms of survival—those that hunt and those that are hunted. But ...
Captured in a fascinating YouTube video posted by the Pondoro Game Lodge is a showdown between African wild dogs and spotted ...
The presentation will be held between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. April 11 at the Longmont Senior Senior, 910 Longs Peak Avenue.
One of the nation’s leading experts on a critically endangered bird says potential federal spending cuts could spell doom for ...
Bella and Scout have been "diligently incubating their three eggs" for more than five weeks now in Shepherdstown as fans ...
In the wet forests of southeastern Australia, superb lyrebirds engage in extraordinary behavior—tilling the soil to create ...
A BIRD rarely seen outside of captivity in the UK has been capturing the attention of birdwatchers in an Essex town. The red-tailed hawk, native to North America but usually kept in captivity ...
A bird of prey has been terrorising locals in the small village of Flamstead, Hertfordshire, with “at least a dozen people” being targeted. The bird, believed to be Harris’s hawk ...
Using automatic microphone recording units and BirdNET, a machine-learning algorithm, they analyzed the recordings to identify different bird calls and studied how these birds relate to various ...