Cub Scout Pack 2021 is the only all girl pack in the City of Bakersfield. Organizers are molding young women to be the ...
Earning Scout badges helped me me think outside myself and appreciate diversity, history and institutions — teachings not ...
Cameron Ragazzo, Joey Knapper and Blake Nettles of Troop 513 at St. Ambrose Parish in Brunswick completed their journey to the highest Boy Scout rank.
Shaashwat Sahoo, an 18-year-old from Odisha now studying in the US, earned the prestigious Eagle Scout rank, a rare honor in the Boy Scouts of ... the cycling merit badge. "It challenged me ...
He handed the coins over and announced: "I want to be a Boy Scout." Mallon rose through the scouting's ranks to reach the highest one, Eagle. At a scout event, he saw a Marine in uniform and ...
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (KY3) - After 115 years, the national scouting group changed its name from Boy Scouts of America to Scouting America, hoping to foster a more inclusive environment. Girls have ...