Limited grower selling has seen wheat and barley trade sideways in the past week, with the exception of a few consumer shorts providing spikes in the market...Read More ...
Two groups of the Newman government's most vocal critics joined forces for an April Fool's Day protest outside State Parliament on Tuesday night.
VOLUME traded in the feedgrain market has been thin, despite bids creeping up to draw out tonnage and cover a limited number ...
Australia is now more dependent on a single market than it has ever been since the late 1940s when our biggest customer was ...
Australia’s barley output for 2024-25 is pegged at 11.7 million tonnes, an 8% increase from the prior year. The FAS said the increase “is primarily attributed to a 6% expansion in planted area.” A 6% ...
The tennis player's most favourite fruit, of which 200 kg is consumed daily, contains minerals such as magnesium and ...
Professional tennis players have access to the world's most advanced sports drinks and gels to boost their performance, but ...
Roger Zima was named the Minnesota Truck Driver Association’s 2024 Driver of the Year at a banquet Tuesday night.
Known for its "laidback, egalitarian" office environment, how does Australia's work culture compare to the rest of the world? From morning coffee runs to jokes with colleagues, Australia's work ...
Aug-66 60.2 84.2 36.6 Sep-66 60.2 84.2 36.6 Oct-66 60.2 84.0 36.8 Nov-66 60.2 84.0 36.8 Dec-66 60.2 84.0 36.8 Jan-67 60.2 83.9 37.0 Feb-67 60.2 83.9 37.0 Mar-67 60.2 ...
Barley is likely flying under your radar, but the grain helps control cholesterol and more. (Getty Images) ...