Two women have accused the French actor of sexually inappropriate behavior on the set of 'The Green Shutters' in 2021.
With his hulking frame and volcanic charisma, Gérard Depardieu reigned over French cinema for half a century, a national icon ...
Gérard Depardieu won’t just be facing two women who accuse him of sexual assault when he walks into a Paris courtroom on ...
Depardieu’s rap sheet of accusations is long and ugly, with 22 women having accused him of sexual and sexist violence in ...
L'acteur est jugé pour agressions sexuelles sur deux comédiennes lors d'un tournage. Une affaire qui s'inscrit, plus ...
Gerard Depardieu trial sees France grapple with response to sexual violence - The case, beginning Monday, is the most ...
Mercredi soir, TF 1 est deuxième grâce au lancement de la 20e saison de « Grey’s Anatomy », tandis qu’Arte cartonne en misant ...
Your 12-week ultrasound is meant to assess your baby's development at the end of the first trimester of your pregnancy. At week 12, the fetus's organs and body systems are formed, and you may actually ...
Adele Andrews, who on Tuesday became the latest victim of Melbourne’s home invasion epidemic, said urgent action was needed to protect families, including tougher bail conditions. She accused Ms ...
Ouest-France La collégienne Adèle Auvray, 12 ans, s’est lancé un défi : convier les Montgermontais (Ille-et-Vilaine) à décorer leurs boîtes aux lettres. L’appel est lancé et déjà des habitants ont ...