Summary: This project was a study of UFOs carried out by the Department of Transport (DOT) in Canada in the early 1950s. It was set up in December 1950 under the direction of Wilbert B. Smith, then a ...
The answer is that they do. There are rather well-authenticated cases spanning a wide variety of "physical effects." R ...
Summary: A system used to categorize the various types of UFO and paranormal experiences invented by Dr Jacques Vallee and is now used more often instead of the HYNEK CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM since it ...
Summary: In the typical "alien abduction," the victim is paralyzed by some unknown force, taken to a small circular room, and then examined and probed by a number of large-eyed, gray skinned, hairless ...
Based on more than 700 hypnotic-regression interviews with alien abductees and a Roper survey of 6,000 adults, The Threat reveals why the aliens are here and what they want, explains why their agenda ...
In 1492, Christopher Columbus and Pedro Gutierrez while on the deck of the Santa Maira, observed, "a light glimmering at a great distance." It vanished and reappeared several times during the night, ...
Summary: While attempting to do a bit of research on the MiB, I have had quite a bit of trouble. Everywhere I looked, I kept getting sites that were all about the Movie "Men in Black." Well, guess ...
Summary: What may well have been the most notorious of all "scares" involving reptilian beings, involved a combined "invasion" of pterodactylin-hominoid "Mothmen" and "Men In Black". (Here is more on ...
The color video footage, which lasts for a total of two minutes and fifty-five seconds, was apparently smuggled out of the secret Groom Lake "Area 51" facility in Nevada by a man referring to himself ...
Ella Louise Fortune, who worked as a nurse at the Mescalero Indian Reservation near Three Rivers, New Mexico, took this picture while driving along Highway 54 at about 1:30 PM on 16 October 1957. The ...
The number of documented general sightings in the modern age numbers approximately 120,000, of which 20,000 have been described as landings. Numerous surveys and opinions polls conducted over the last ...
Summary: A discussion of Zeccharia Sitchin's theory of the Annunaki, an extraterrestrial civilization that colonized this planet. Working from the same archaeological discoveries, artifacts, and ...