The Government announces that seven additional residential care homes for the elderly in Guangdong will become Recognised ...
The Buildings Department approves 14 building plans in August - four on Hong Kong Island, six in Kowloon and four in the New ...
Financial Secretary Paul Chan speaks on various topics, including global and regional economic and financial outlooks, and ...
Secretary for Culture, Sports & Tourism Kevin Yeung inspects the progress of construction works at the Kai Tak Sports Park ...
Financial Secretary Paul Chan said this was the first batch of Silver Bonds issued under the Government’s Infrastructure Bond ...
Secretary for Environment & Ecology Tse Chin-wan speaks at the 17th Singapore International Energy Week Summit and meets ...
The Housing Bureau awards the second operation and management contract of the Light Public Housing projects to Easy Living ...
Chief Executive John Lee: This plastic-free culture we want to build – we have already finished the first phase, which was the six-month adaptation period for the first phase of plastic products to be ...
財政司司長陳茂波昨日在秘魯利馬出席亞太區經濟合作組織財政部長會議,在三個討論環節分別就全球及區域經濟與金融展望、可持續金融和可持續基建、數字金融發展等議題發言。 今年亞太經合組織財長會議主題為「可持續、數字化、具韌性的亞太經合組織」。
新一批銀色債券的認購和配發結果今日公布,有效申請均可獲配發債券,最多可獲24手。 銀色債券的最終發行額550億元,有效申請共300,413份,本金總額逾699億元。