Being defined as the “combined works of nature and of man”, cultural landscapes focus on sustainable land-use techniques, where the local population take into consideration the limits of the natural ...
It is dedicated to the understanding and conservation of the family Hyaenidae: spotted hyenas, striped hyenas, aardwolves, and brown hyenas. I am a wildlife biologist and science writer. As Chair of ...
The IUCN CEESP Gender Specialist Group (GSG) aims to strengthen the understanding of and promote the full achievement of gender equality and women’s empowerment in all areas of conservation and ...
Boas and pythons are widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. However, clearcutting of forests, substitution of natural habitats by crops and infrastructure, introduced ...
Communication, Education and Public Awareness (CEPA) are important instruments for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. CEPA provides the link from science and ecology to people's social ...
Without active intervention and management, Marine turtle populations are expected to continue their decline to extinction. This strategy covering nine individual strategies ranging from research and ...
Arraigada en normas y leyes discriminatorias y envuelta en la impunidad, la violencia de género se produce en todas las sociedades, como un medio de control, subyugación y explotación que refuerza aún ...
There is today a growing awareness that many wetlands are more valuable in their natural, or only slightly modified state, than if drained, dyked or built upon. Past neglect of wetlands has meant that ...
Headquarters Rue Mauverney 28 1196 Gland Switzerland +41 22 9990000 +41 22 9990002(Fax) ©IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources ...
The IUCN SSC West Africa Plant RLA aims to assist conservation planning and actions, in a region that suffers one of the most dramatic losses of tropical forests in the world. I am a taxonomic ...
These guidelines were drafted by the Re-introduction Specialist Group of the Species Survival Commission, and approved by the 41st Meeting of IUCN Council in May 1995. The definition of ...
The Mayo-Kebbi Ouest (MKO) is currently suffering loss, degradation and fragmentation of natural forest areas. This is due to a combination of natural factors and human practices, including… The ...