Negotiations for a new collective labor agreement stopped at the end of the day on Wednesday 26 June. The wage offer of the PO-Raad employers' organization turned out to be too far removed from the ...
20 to 30 hours per month (320 hours in total) Are you looking for an exciting assignment in education, in which you work together with passionate professionals from the education field? You are an ...
It's a hassle: treat yourself to school. Many primary schools are happy to profile themselves as a healthy school and therefore ask parents to treat them in a healthy way. But not everyone adheres to ...
50 to 60 hours per month (640 hours in total) Are you looking for an exciting assignment in education, in which you work together with passionate professionals from the education field? You ensure ...
Cees is in group 3 and Toon in group 5 at the Hildebrand Van Loonschool in Amsterdam-Zuid, where their mother Marieke de Ruig has been teaching group 8 for ten years, now three days a week. “We wanted ...
Cees zit in groep 3 en Toon in groep 5 op de Hildebrand Van Loonschool in Amsterdam-Zuid waar hun moeder Marieke de Ruig sinds tien jaar lesgeeft aan groep 8, nu drie dagen per week. “We wilden voor ...
De 151 samenwerkingsverbanden voor passend primair en voortgezet onderwijs boekten vorig jaar een exploitatieverlies van 57 miljoen euro. Daardoor liepen de bovenmatige spaarpotten terug van 116 naar ...
The 151 partnerships for appropriate primary and secondary education booked an operating loss of 57 million euros last year. As a result, the excessive savings pots decreased from 116 to 59 million.
The Kennemer College Beroepsgericht in Heemskerk is selling the Swedish educational concept Kunskapsskolan. Teachers and students are dissatisfied with the portal replacing traditional methods. Tekst ...
It is understandable that you are not so concerned about your pension at your age. You are not alone. A recent study by umbrella organization the Pension Federation shows that 86 percent of Dutch ...