Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was stabbed in five places including his back, wrist, neck, shoulder, and elbow, and was taken to Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai in an autorickshaw by his friend Afsar Zaidi ...
Shariful Fakir, an illegal Bangladeshi migrant, was arrested for breaking into actor Saif Ali Khan's residence intending burglary. Due to financial ha ...
Shariful Fakir's father claims his son was wrongfully arrested for allegedly stabbing actor Saif Ali Khan during a burglary in Mumbai. He argues Shari ...
There is still more than what meets the eye in matters relating to the recent attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan and the arrest of the accused Shariful Islam Shehzad Mohammad Amin Fakir for his ...
Durbar Rajshahi handed Rangpur Riders their first loss of the Bangladesh Premier League (BPL) 2024-25 at Zahur Ahmed Chowdhury Stadium, Chattogram on Thursday,3.