Researchers said the species was “abundant” but “difficult to capture” as it evaded their light traps in the tree canopy.
The iconic Cape Verde date palm came from commercial trees gone feral and could provide genetic variety to boost the resilience of its tamer relatives.
From sonic tomographies to global biodiversity negotiations, this journey through research, resilience, and connection ...
Twigs: The twigs of tree-of-heaven are alternate on the tree, stout, greenish to brown in color, and lack a terminal bud. They have large V- or heart-shaped leaf scars. The twigs easily break to ...
With its small pink flowers, this tree is one of the first brilliantly colored signs of spring in Michigan. The eastern ...
Of all the weird things you can find on Google Maps, Montana might be home to one of the most charming landmarks. When you search Google for 'cool stuff in Montana' - this isn't something that comes ...
The olive tree of Vouves has survived fire, droughts and other climatic shifts while watching history unfold over millennia.
The Heart of the Dalkowskie Hills, a breathtaking 300-year-old beech, has won Poland the European Tree of the Year award for ...