Autopsies of victims accessed by Al Jazeera revealed injuries that experts say are clear indicators of the heavy weaponry being used in the conflict: deep splinter wounds with metal fragments ...
After two years of deadly clashes, the state chief minister has quit. But every hamlet is armed. Peace remains distant ...
Amid an increasing anti-Christian atmosphere under the shadow of Hindu majoritarianism, the body of Christ in India bleeds, not only from external wounds but also from self-inflicted fractures. Indian ...
Muneera Sallies' portrait of Christmas choir bands in South Africa's Cape Malay community shows a town rallying together to ...
As he pushes for reconciliation within the Botswana Democratic Party (BDP), former Cabinet minister Kabo Morwaeng says if he ...
A handful of gifted young tech people set out to save the world. For years, WIRED has been tracking each twist and turn of ...
Delve into the inspiring journey of Dr Gomolemo Mokae, whose unwavering commitment to his community and the struggle for ...
Splinter hemorrhages ... Squamous cell carcinoma, in particular, can show up as a wound that refuses to heal—in addition to symptoms like a firm, dome-shaped growth, or a sore that develops ...
Splinter hemorrhages, for example—or squiggly red lines under ... Maybe you’ve been diligently taking care of a wound on your leg for months, applying Vaseline or Neosporin, and it’s not going away.