Sea surface temperatures are vital measurements that indicate the warmth of the ocean's top layer, influencing weather patterns, climate, and marine ecosystems.
A wholesale gutting of the United States weather service is placing international weather and climate modelling at risk.
Sea level of the Indian Ocean is going up by 1.7 mm a year, while the north Indian Ocean is rising at an even faster rate of ...
Scientists aren't sure exactly why the events are increasing, but say it's likely attributed to a variety of factors.
India awaits monsoon forecast with anxiety, pondering El Niño or La Niña impact on 2025-2026 weather patterns.
While currently in a La Niña pattern, we’re expected to return to ENSO Neutral (neither La Niña or El Niño) within the next ...
NEW ORLEANS (WVUE) - La Niña conditions have been present in the central and east-central equatorial Pacific Ocean since ...
While currently in a La Niña pattern, we’re expected to return to ENSO Neutral (neither La Niña or El Niño) within the next month as sea surface temperatures in the Niño Zones return to near ...
Early spring like March and April is the time to plant perennials like forsythias, daffodils and pansies. But gardeners ...
The El Niño event is spawned by warmer than average temperatures in the Central Pacific called the "Nino 3.4" region. When sea surface temperatures are warm here by more than 0.5C or higher for a few ...
The tropical storm that hit eastern Australia's shores battered many beaches along a 300-mile stretch of coastline that draws ...