Two different agricultural enterprises have come together to tackle Australia's food waste challenge in an unexpected way — ...
Yet the growing region around Placerville, Fair Play and Somerset is uniquely suited for scarcely-seen varietals that casual drinkers may never have tried. Five miles northeast of Somerset, Miraflores ...
With the epicenter of the Texas Wine Country and the Texas Hill Country Wine Trail not far from the Kerrville city limit sign ...
Arizona’s wine regions are all outside the Phoenix area, which makes them good options for a quick weekend getaway. "It’s a ...
With the month of February upon us, we are at last into the final straits of Winter, with its leaden skies and penetrating ...
A growing concern in the Finger Lakes is the increase of spotted lanternflies that damage vines and reduce grape quality.
Tim Chaapel can now sit in back, repair instruments, and listen to his jazz music. It's a growing concern in the Finger Lakes ...
Warmer-climate wines tend to be riper than their cool-climate counterparts, which typically possess more mouthwatering ...
Agronomist and Vice Minister in charge of scientific and technological affairs at the Ministry of Agriculture, Rafael Ortiz ...
The ancestor of Vitoid grapes, which eventually led to the commercial grape varieties cultivated today, likely originated in ...
Many professionals expect wines grown in limestone soil to be more focused and acid-driven—but is there a reason why?
The island is requiring height verification before trimming dune vegetation after multiple hurricanes and tropical storms in ...