Most houseplants are tropical plants that require the warm, somewhat humid conditions of their natural habitat. In the home, many can become tired-looking, especially over winter, when even your brigh ...
The discovery of the resistosome was a milestone in plant immunity. Here, Zhong et al. identify a kinase that phosphorylates the NLR, and reveal how this kinase regulates resistosome assembly to ...
Mar. 28, 2025 — Why do some plants thrive in specific regions but not in others? A study explores the factors shaping plant distributions and how these patterns have changed over millions of years.
Whether you’re planting in your yard, on a windowsill, or in a public space, you can help create more bird-friendly habitats with native plants. Find the best plants for your area (and where to get ...
A thylakoid lumen protein, TLP7.6, functions as an auxiliary factor for cyclophilin 38 to facilitate PSII assembly and stability in Arabidopsis. Double mutation of these two genes results in ...
And it’s not just the materials, but also the building that requires acclimation. Many flooring failures occur due to not understanding the acclimation process and not following manufacturer ...