Pilots usually initiate a Go-around if the approach is unstable due to wind or turbulence. A stable approach means ...
On the subject of ultra-long runways, there are currently two airports that jointly hold the title of having the longest ...
Apart from his singing and acting commitments, McGraw holds a private pilot's license and owns two Cirrus aircraft: a ...
The US Air Force has selected companies and funded the purchase of new combat superdrones and the Boeing F47 next generation ...
Chinese air taxi company Ehang has signed a framework agreement with JAC Motors and Guoxian to establish a joint venture in Hefei to invest in the ...
O ver the past few years, private jet manufacturers have continued to innovate with longer-range capabilities, and today they currently offer some of the most impressive long-rang ...
With handful of start-ups on board from Hermeus to Venus Aerospace, hypersonic commercial flights could soon become a reality ...
In late January and early March, the French Air and Space Force, with support from Canada and Denmark, conducted critical ...