Vue, Odeon, Cineworld and Showcase each said they had no problem with people bringing refreshments. But some items are a total no-go. Odeon cinemas do not allow heated food, pungent food or ...
But this is often not the case. Each cinema chain has its own rules around viewers bringing in snacks and beverages, and here's what Vue, Odeon, Cineworld and Showcase say on the matter.
But this is often not the case. Each cinema chain has its own rules around viewers bringing in snacks and beverages, and here's what Vue, Odeon, Cineworld and Showcase say on the matter.
Each cinema chain has its own policies regarding patrons bringing in their own snacks and drinks, and here's what Vue, Odeon, Cineworld and Showcase have to say on the subject, reports Wales Online.
Being a criminal lawyer can be a pretty topsy turvy gig, with plenty of highs and lows. Recent highlights include a very happy client naming a goat after me, and less impressively, being announced ...