Emergency aid has streamed into Southeast Asia in the two days since a massive earthquake struck Myanmar and Thailand ...
In light of the number of epidemic outbreaks Ghana has faced in recent years, with the current Meningitis and Cholera plagues ...
Evelyn Tandy's innovative take on a state law has inspired other athletic trainers across the state to provide all-weather ...
Specific requirements for becoming an emergency medical responder may vary depending on your setting, but the EMR process ...
San Jose has approved a new first responder and vehicle collision fee program as medical-only calls make up 62% of the fire ...
Morristown Medical Center has reduced the height of its proposed buildings — one of the major objections raised at community ...
New chopper will help fill gap for emergency medical service response that will soon occur with upcoming closing of Orlando ...
Anything that may threaten the safety of the aircraft.
The Lagos State Emergency Management Agency says it has successfully contained a raging fire that engulfed sections of a storey building housing Ago Medical Centre, off Ago Palace Way, Okota.
A unilateral partial ceasefire to facilitate earthquake relief efforts was announced on Saturday by Myanmar's shadow National ...
Minister of Health Dr. Ahmad Al-Awadhi convened an expanded meeting with relevant medical teams to discuss and approve ...