Habitat degradation and erratic rainfall conditions are impacting the movement of birds through northern Australia's fragmented landscape, a new study by Monash University has found.
Scientists call for the federal government to invest more in preventing the disease from spreading to Australia's $5 billion ...
As a vital stopover along the East Asian-Australasian Flyway, the Olango Island Wildlife Sanctuary supports the population of ...
Kennedy Jr. has suggested allowing bird flu to spread in poultry flocks rather than culling infected birds, aiming to ...
Most Antarctic trips explore the western peninsula departing from South America for about 10 days. This is the most beautiful ...
The blue-headed quail dove is a uniquely ancient species with no close relatives and is now on the brink of extinction. At ...
Newport is just over two kilometres away. A town with a population of under a thousand it is now on the aforementioned Great ...
In Newcastle, Australia, hundreds of corellas fell from trees in distress, many disoriented and bleeding, with euthanasia needed for over 60 birds. The New South Wales EPA suspects mass poisoning ...
Throughout the night, great potoos emit a loud, moaning growl that has earned the bird a mythical status, with some ...
A team of scientists led by The University of Western Australia has discovered two new species of trapdoor spiders in the ...