The Justice League is the greatest team in the history of the DC Multiverse. The Justice League wasn’t the first superteam of ...
DC Comics may be emulating a cartoon romance from the DCAU, but this could backfire, especially given how it affects one ...
John Stewart And Hawkwoman Get A Lot Closer In Green Lantern Corps #2 (Spoilers... but c'mon, you knew this was happening)) ...
With James Gunn’s DCU reboot underway, the DC Animated Universe could proffer some thrilling narratives to be adapted into ...
The whole premise of the story is what the world would be like without Superman, and sees the Justice League, with Hawkgirl in Superman’s place, dealing with Mayor Lex Luthor of Metropolis ...
CEO James Gunn has shared a new look at the movie's Lois Lane And Mister Terrific while wishing actor Edi Gathegi a happy ...
The Justice League series finale “Starcrossed” sees ... However, when the fire spreads, their possible exits are destroyed, though Hawkgirl ultimately gets them both out.
And unlike other heroic characters in the film like Hawkgirl, Metamorpho ... DC brought him back simply to kill him off in an annual Justice League/Justice Society crossover in 1979.
is beloved by millennials for his role in the Justice League animated series, which was part of the DCAU (DC Animated Universe). Another DC icon, Hawkgirl has appeared on TV screens in both animated ...