Find out when spring break starts and when the last day of school falls for students across the Coachella Valley.
Indian Prairie School District 204 has finalized its school calendar for the 2026-27 school year, after receiving board ...
Here in Ohio, lawmakers have put 104 special days, 92 months and 26 weeks into state law, according to the nonpartisan Legislative Services Commission. Some recognize the accomplishments of famous ...
The start of spring is nearly here. Here's everything to know about the season change, along with dates to mark on your calendar.
“Music from the Holocaust,” Fort Wayne Philharmonic Wayne Street Strings – 10 a.m.; Weatherhead Gallery, Rolland Art Center, ...
Bowen Health practitioners will lead the one-hour classes, answer questions and provide information and practical tips. Visit ...
Opening days are holidays for Minnesotans who hunt or fish or love professional baseball. Now, some canoeists are carving out a day to celebrate paddling in the same way. Organizers of the Mississippi ...
The Colac Truck and Ute Show is back, with something for everyone – from a show ‘n’ shine to live music, kids entertainment ...
TRURO – The Truro Pride Society has a week full of fun planned for the community. The society announced March 10 that its ...
As part of its plan to make up for cancelations and other issues earlier in the school year, the Hancock County Board of Education will be extending its instructional calendar. During Monday’s school ...
Also, with the possibility of a first-round series between the Avs and Stars, many around the NHL see reason to change the ...
The NFL season has become a misnomer. While yes, there's still the period that covers late summer to the middle of the winter ...