If you are seeing smoke in Lyndhurst and Sherando today, you may see or smell smoke due to a prescribed burn. The USDA Forest ...
The Triad is currently in the Code Yellow range for air quality. Over the past few days, air quality has worsened slightly ...
As windy and dry conditions have led to wildfires and burn bans in South Texas, here's what to know about the bans and when ...
MassWildlife intentionally set the fire Friday to maintain grassland for rare plants, birds and animals including the ...
Smoke from prescribed burns around Lake Shasta could affect the air quality north of Redding on Monday.
Efforts to decrease the use of wood stoves and wood-burning fireplaces in Portland seem to have had little effect, according ...
Citing health and environmental concerns, the proposal would require developers to use other methods than open burning to get ...
Social media users were amazed by the plant's transformation, with one saying: "This should be used in a national ad campaign ...
Fire dangers and the risk of rapidly spreading wildfires return to the Triad and most of North Carolina this week.
A huge fire at a construction waste recycling center in Boston "could burn for days," according to the fire commissioner.