A new non-profit named Talon Ridge Raptor Institute (TRRI) has been established in the region to assist in conservation ...
This is the dramatic moment a bird of prey snatched a tourist's drone from the sky. Aerial footage shows the device capturing ...
Hawks, especially red-tail hawks, have sharp talons which they use to claw at animals who take them on. Depending on the age and strength of the hawk, its talons can do a lot of damage and ...
I was bundled up for the winter cold but my dog was eager to go. As soon as we were out the door, owl hoots greeted us. A pair of great horned owls were calling to each other from trees about a block ...
Then it happens — a rabbit darts. The hawk dives. Faster than a blink, the bells on her anklets tinkling, Echo reaches out her talons. She comes up with a tuft of fur. A near miss. “Even when the hawk ...
Most recently, that “something” has come from the talons of local hawks. In addition to attracting a large community of passerines (a.k.a. “songbirds”), I have also attracted the attention of a much ...
Then it happens — a rabbit darts. The hawk dives. Faster than a blink, the bells on her anklets tinkling, Echo reaches out her talons. She comes up with a tuft of fur. A near miss.
Recent rain and warming temperatures trigger early spring activity in Lehigh Valley, with winter aconites blooming and ...
It's not exactly a compliment to be called a vulture. They circle overhead when disaster or death is imminent. They scavenge and scrounge, feeding on things killed by nature or man, feasting on ...
Unlike the owls and the hawks, shrikes only have their beaks with which to seize and dispatch their prey. The larger birds have formidable talons that can grab and severely injure their intended ...