Thousands of people have taken to the streets across Slovakia again to voice their opposition to populist Prime Minister ...
On March 7, tens of thousands of people took to the streets across Slovakia for the third time this year to protest the ...
Progresívci hovoria v súvislosti s Kaliňákovými slovami o vlastizrade. „Hovoríme to dlho a jasne. Žiadna politika na štyri ...
a member of the European Parliament and Fico’s deputy in the leftist Smer (Direction) party. Ľuboš Blaha, a prominent member of Fico’s party who is known for his extreme leftist rhetoric ...
Europoslanec z vládnej strany Smer Ľuboš Blaha je opäť v Rusku, kde sa stretol so šéfom zahraničného výboru dolnej komory ...
Thousands of Slovaks took to the streets to take part in regular protest against pro-Russian policies of populist Prime ...
Ľuboš Blaha, a prominent member of Fico’s leftist Smer party known for extreme leftist rhetoric, met with Sergei Naryshkin, head of Russia’s SVR spy agency, this week on a trip to Moscow.
Large numbers of people across Slovakia have again taken part in protests against the pro-Russian policies of Prime Minister ...