Thousands of people have taken to the streets across Slovakia again to voice their opposition to populist Prime Minister ...
Progresívci hovoria v súvislosti s Kaliňákovými slovami o vlastizrade. „Hovoríme to dlho a jasne. Žiadna politika na štyri ...
a member of the European Parliament and Fico’s deputy in the leftist Smer (Direction) party. Ľuboš Blaha, a prominent member of Fico’s party who is known for his extreme leftist rhetoric ...
Europoslanec z vládnej strany Smer Ľuboš Blaha je opäť v Rusku, kde sa stretol so šéfom zahraničného výboru dolnej komory ...
Thousands of Slovaks took to the streets to take part in regular protest against pro-Russian policies of populist Prime ...
Ľuboš Blaha, a prominent member of Fico’s leftist Smer party known for extreme leftist rhetoric, met with Sergei Naryshkin, head of Russia’s SVR spy agency, this week on a trip to Moscow.
Large numbers of people across Slovakia have again taken part in protests against the pro-Russian policies of Prime Minister ...