The senior said he was denied his right to vote despite bringing proper ID to his polling station in the riding of Bay of ...
Ontario election results have started rolling in and Progressive Conservative Party Leader Doug Ford has won a historic third majority. Kanata–Carleton is still looking close, and Nepean looks like it ...
The Supreme Court of Canada has found an Ontario law that limits spending on third-party election advertising violates the ...
“What’s happening south of the border is occupying more of people’s attention maybe than what’s happening in Ontario,” contributing to a “slightly uninteresting election,” said ...
The last time a party pulled off three or more consecutive majorities in Ontario was a string of eight between 1945 and 1971.
With 51 of 51 polls reporting, incumbent Stephen Lecce, of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario, is projected to be re-elected in King-Vaughan. Lecce has 28,529 of 44,453 (64.18%) votes cast.
Election results for Willowdale are not yet available. Please check back later for full provincial results.
After several weeks of hints, allegations and things left unsaid, Ontario PC Leader Doug Ford finally made it official Jan. 28, kick-starting the official process for a Feb. 27 election.
The Liberal campaign has been centered around making life more affordable for Ontario residents, building new homes, expanding transit services and providing tax cuts for low- and middle-income ...
Ontario's snap election is set for Feb. 27. Here's what you need to know about casting a ballot Author of the article: You can save this article by registering for free here. Or sign-in if you ...
It's Ontario election day today. If you're struggling to figure out your vote, this is the article for you — and we've tried to make it as straightforward as possible. And if you're one of our ...
Ontario Election day is Thursday (Feb. 27). The provincewide vote requires thousands of short-term workers and it’s not too late to apply. Deadline to apply for Elections Ontario jobs is Feb. 25 ...