Thanks for having me. SIROVY: And today we’re talking about one of his stories that he did about cryptids, Sasquatch. WHITE: Yeah, originally it was going to be about the Dogman of Minnesota. SIROVY: ...
Per Cryptid Wiki, the movie incorporates Michigan cryptid legend the dogman hat is said to be a seven-foot tall, bipedal, canine-like creature with a human torso. first reported in 1887 in Wexford ...
All costumes — from the cryptid world to cosplay, renaissance to steampunk — are encouraged. More than 50 vendors will be selling art, crafts and cryptid-themed merchandise in the large ballroom.
Some muy importante legislation is stuck in the cogs of Californian bureaucracy – an Assembly Bill to recognize Bigfoot, aka Sasquatch, as the official state cryptid. In the pseudoscientific field of ...
A new assembly bill introduced in California seeks to recognize a legendary humanlike creature as the state’s official “cryptid.” According to a draft version of the bill introduced on February 14, ...