CHUG, 9 Mar: Chug valley in West Kameng district is emerging as a wintering hotspot for rare migratory bird species: the red-crested pochard, the northern pintail, the green-winged teal, the mallard, ...
The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MECC) seized a number of bird call whistles which is locally called ...
Nest boxes help many species of birds, including eastern bluebirds, tree swallows and wood ducks, by providing protection ...
and Greater Crested Grebe. Other notable migratory species observed include the Spot-billed Duck, Ruddy Shelduck, Mallard, Northern Pintail, Comb Duck, Coot, Dabchick, Northern Shoveler ...
A Double-crested ... The Black Ducks had “richer chocolate brown” feathers than the Gadwalls. And the Mallards? The group stood there longer than they had anywhere else, observing the magnified ...
Punjab’s wetlands transform into a sanctuary for thousands of migratory birds escaping the frigid landscapes of Siberia, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Northern Europe. Although the number of avian guests ...
In various open water areas (that is, ice-free) on ponds and rivers in southern Alberta, overwintering waterfowl, primarily Canada geese and mallard ducks, are experiencing ... western grebes and ...
Southland's Federated Farmers president Jason Herrick said the mallard duck population was causing problems in the region. Photo / 123rf Herrick said mallards are an introduced species and need to ...