Exclusive or longer duration of breastfeeding (at least six months) is associated with reduced odds of developmental delays, ...
The risk for moderate to severe infection in later childhood was associated with overall infection burden in early life.
"Contrary to expectations and challenging the commonly held belief that marriage is protective against cognitive decline and ...
The study found that longer and exclusive breastfeeding was significantly linked to better language and social development.
Loneliness has become a global health crisis, linked to depression, dementia, and early death. With over a billion people affected, how are countries working to reconnect us?
The ‘Baltipreneurs’ voted amongst themselves to give four $5,000 awards out to their peers last week, but the audience voted ...
Additional analysis of nearly 38,000 sibling pairs found that siblings who were breastfed for at least 6 months were less ...
A new study has revealed that quitting alcohol may raise bad cholesterol levels and decrease HDL levels. But is there a catch ...
Handspring Health is a behavioral health company focused on children and families. In 2022, the company closed a $6.2 million ...
The Aptos Movementum Accelerator Demo Day 2025, co-hosted by Amnis Finance and the Aptos Foundation, brought together over ...
As editor in chief of Evie, a women’s publication opposed to what she calls “modern” feminism, Mrs. Hugoboom has been accused ...