Cruising the main arteries and side streets of North Scottsdale, attentive drivers note “Caution: Fire Crew Ahead” signs.
Before severe thunderstorms and tornadoes swept across the state last week, agencies across the state responded to hundreds ...
More than $9 million in funding for volunteer and composite fire departments announced by the BC Government on Friday, March ...
None of these projects required a chainsaw or were done in a few weeks ... Suppose my neighbor’s home catches fire, and I have a garden hose 400 feet away. If he connects my hose with his ...
March means it’s spring wildfire season, and local volunteer fire departments are hard at work. The volunteers at Hose Company #4 in Rockingham County gave WHSV a closer look at what a day looks like ...
“Mowing the grass, even pulling over on a shoulder in high grass, the heat from underneath your car can start a fire,” he said. “Anything that can cause a spark—chainsaws, welding—all of ...
If you’ve ever been to Cedar Creek Lake, then chances are you’ve driven right past my grandmother’s old honky-tonk, the ...
On Wednesday afternoon and evening, dry conditions and high winds sparked several wildfires in the southern part of the state ...
MDC staff fought 19 fires in the Ozark region of the state covering nearly 1,500 acres, including nearly 300 acres of conservation lands. MDC reported that extreme weather conditions had one of its ...
Many Republicans support cutting spending with a scalpel and not a chainsaw. “Two things could be true at ... “The largest impacts, I think, will be to the grant process, which all fire departments ...