The birth of quintuplets is already a rare event, but imagine the smallest of the five weighing just 8 ounces. After an ...
Baby Sully bounced between the NICU and CICU until she was about 5 weeks old, when doctors determined it was time for her to undergo open-heart surgery Brian Brant is an Associate Editor, Human ...
Mercy Hospital calls him "Big Murph," and the doctor who delivered him said he is the biggest baby she has delivered in her 20 years of being in the field.
After his mom had a normal pregnancy, Vinnie James was born with a missing eye and displaced ear, the result of the rare congenital Goldenhar syndrome A baby was ... days in the hospital for ...
Isabella Giorgio-Jones, 18, was treated at Birmingham Children's Hospital, after being born prematurely ... Children's Hospital had done for me as a baby, something clicked and I just knew ...