To mount an effective government response to anthrax outbreaks in Indonesia's Yogyakarta Special Region, policymakers must understand local cultural practices and economic concerns as central to ...
cattle locked content bacteria for the for locked content20, sustainable cattle died locked content the art for from locked contentcattle resources died then locked contentfor Dorji from of locked ...
Smear and culture taken 48 hours after terramycin therapy was started and 4.5 gm. ingested revealed an occasional anthrax bacillus on the smear, but no growth was obtained. On May 4, there was ...
In 1942, scientists set off anthrax spore bombs as part of 'Operation Vegetarian', to test whether or not the bacteria could be weaponised in the fight against Germany. The operation saw the ...
They may have harmful bacteria or diseases that could affect ... some travelers get so fascinated by the art and culture that they decide to bring some of their artifacts home as souvenirs to ...
The antibiotic teixobactin—developed a decade ago by Northeastern University professors Kim Lewis and Slava Epstein in ...
The discovery sheds light on how certain bacteria -- including strains that cause food poisoning and anthrax -- form spores for survival.
Anthrax is a zoonotic disease caused by the bacteria Bacillus anthracis. It is primarily a disease of domestic and wild grazers. “The bacteria survive naturally in soil as spores: a form that ...
In the US, there are only about 80 to 140 brucellosis cases reported each year, and they're mostly caused by B. melitensis and B. abortus. People tend to get infected by eating raw (unpasteurized) ...