Andy Barr. Ryan Hermens Nate Morris (middle) It didn’t take long for the newly intensified race for a Kentucky U.S. Senate seat to get chippy. Republican Congressman Andy Barr and Kentucky ...
Congressman Andy Barr, seen on stage with President Donald Trump at Eastern Kentucky University’s Alumni Coliseum in 2018, is widely reported to be considering a Senate run in 2026. Marcus ...
WASHINGTON — Rep. Andy Barr, R-Ky., will reintroduce a bill today at noon that will put timing guardrails on the Federal Reserve for bank merger applications, according to a copy of the bill first ...
Chethik joined around 40 others at Rep. Andy Barr’s Lexington Office Tuesday morning. They were there for his scheduled office hours, Barr wasn’t there and they were discouraged to learn they ...
Andy Barr went on television with advice for low-income people whose health coverage may be on the line. They need to get jobs, the Lexington Republican said. “No, look, Medicaid is a big ...
Andy Barr (KY-6) told the President, "Great speech... thanks for taking my call." In an interview with Barr during a visit to Louisville, WHAS11 asked what they talked about. Barr responded ...
Andy Barr went on television with advice for low-income people whose health coverage may be on the line. They need to get jobs, the Lexington Republican said.
Former Attorney General Daniel Cameron has announced he's running. U.S. Rep. Andy Barr and Lexington businessman Nate Morris are also considering runs. President Donald Trump endorsed Daniel ...
Where is U.S. Rep. Andy Barr, R-Ky? As our representative in Congress, he needs to be getting out in public and holding Town Halls in every county. His constituents have a multitude of questions ...
Andy Barr said that adults who can work “need to get off the taxpayer rolls and then they need to get into private health insurance and private employment.” However, a recent review of ...
Congressman Andy Barr responded to Daniel Cameron and his senate bid announcement on Thursday, saying that Cameron "embarrassed the President and our party by losing in a state that President ...