According to the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament (which are slightly different collections of ancient Hebrew ...
The relationship between the Jewish communities of Egypt and Israel created an underlying tension, not unlike the modern-day ...
As a scholar of the Bible and ancient Judaism, I believe Passover is a particularly poignant time to recognize the tragedies of the past year and offer hope for the future.
Amid ongoing trauma, Jews and Israelis relive an unfathomable tragedy, but our identity must be shaped by more than grief - honoring our true story beyond tragedy.
Purim, therefore, is the prototype for Jewish survival during exile. The Divine Providence hidden in apparently random events ...
On Mothering Sunday, we can remember the famous mothers of the Bible. Many of these mothers played an important role not only ...
The Torah vividly describes galut as a punishment and curse.
Liberation begins with God giving the Israelites control of their own time and inviting them to commemorate and sanctify ...