With frigid temperatures and dangerously cold wind chills, you may want to wait a few more days to check them out. Don't worry - they're not going anywhere.
Peak times to view 6 planets alignment this week
Planetary alignments aren't rare, but they can be when they involve six of the eight planets in our solar system.
"A parade of planets, also sometimes referred to as a planetary alignment, is when several planets in our solar system appear to line up in the sky from our perspective here on Earth," John Conafay, CEO of Integrate Space, tells TODAY.com.
Planetary alignment: when and how to see 7 planets line up over UK skies this February - A rare celestial event where seven planets align is visible in the UK skies. Discover how, when, and where you
Planet Parade brings transformative opportunities for growth, success, and prosperity, with Taurus, Leo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces benefiting most from this rare celestial alignment.
Jupiter's Great Red Spot storm, which usually appears dark-red, can be seen shining a lurid blue color in an ultraviolet image of the planet.
Both Venus and Saturn will be in the Aquarius constellation, the water bearer, during their close approach. To help spot it, viewers should look towards the south in the evening sky, using the bright star Fomalhaut in the nearby Piscis Austrinus constellation as a guide to locate Aquarius.
“Saturday evening, January 18: Venus and Saturn will appear nearest to each other. As evening twilight ends at 6:15 p.m. EST, Venus will be 30 degrees above the southwestern horizon with Saturn 2.2 degrees to the lower left. Saturn will set first on the western horizon almost 3 hours later at 9:04 p.m.”
Mars will be making its closest approach to Earth in two years, and thus, the mighty red planet, named for the god of war himself, will appear brighter, bigger, and bolder in the night sky. This Martian exclamation point will further amplify the experience of the alignment.
What is the parade of planets? How to see Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune this January and what days and times. Plus astrological effects.
Six of our cosmic neighbors are expected to line up across the night sky tonight, in what has been dubbed a "planetary parade". Throughout much of January and February, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune will be visible splayed out in a long arc across the heavens, with Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn being visible to the naked eye.