Infants developed a cortisol secretion pattern akin to adults by 6 to 9 months of age. The 24-hour rhythm of cortisol secretion gradually emerges from birth onwards to form a stable morning to evening ...
In patients with CAD and history of myocardial infarction and diabetes, edetate disodium chelation is not effective for decreasing cardiovascular events. Edetate disodium (EDTA) chelation is not ...
Treatment with highly aspherical lenslets results in less axial growth than single vision lenses in patients with pre myopia.
Patient education could help clarify that remission in inflammatory bowel disease does not solely consist of resolved symptoms.
Among older adults, acute kidney injury is tied to a higher risk for dementia, particularly Lewy body dementia or Parkinson disease-related dementia.
Childhood body mass index (BMI) has a direct and enduring effect on the risk for schizophrenia later in life. HealthDay News — Childhood body mass index (BMI) has a direct and enduring effect on the ...
Among youth with chronic pain, a number of individuals are diagnosed with anxiety and depression when compared with their peers without chronic pain. HealthDay News — Among youth with chronic pain, a ...
A bulbar conjunctival staining technique that involves 2 applications of lissamine green on the same strip spaced 5 and 60 seconds after saline application allows the best visualization of spot count ...
A study has found that sirolimus-coated balloons vs thin drug-eluting stents in in-stent restenosis show similar favorable clinical outcomes.
A single dose of chikungunya vaccine is safe, effective, provides protection up to 2 years, and does not result in any long-term serious AEs related to vaccination.
Baseline small vessel disease score is the strongest predictor for incident infarcts among patients with a history of stroke.
When evaluating autism and sleep, data shows that children with ASD exposed to ACEs experience shorter sleep duration than their peers.