Residents of the Tuscan beach enclave of Orbetello are seeking a state of emergency declaration to help combat an invasion of ...
Millions of midges have infested a seaside town in Italy, threatening the local economy with residents being homebound and tourist cancellations.
Orbetello, Italy, located in the Tuscan region, seeks an emergency declaration over swarms of midges ahead of the busy ...
Residents Seek Emergency Declaration to Cope ROME (AP) — Residents of the Tuscany beach enclave of Orbetello are seeking a state of emergency declaration to help combat an invasion of midges ...
Residents of the Tuscan beach enclave of Orbetello are seeking a state of emergency declaration to help combat an invasion of midges that are keeping people indoors and threatening businesses ...
ROME — (AP) — Residents of the Tuscany beach enclave of Orbetello are seeking a state of emergency declaration to help combat an invasion of midges that are keeping people indoors and ...
On Thursday, Orbetello city hall allocated 300,000 euros ($327,000) and promised a series of specific emergency interventions to combat the invasion, following a meeting with key trade associations.