This year marks the 107 th anniversary of the Bolshevik revolution of 1917. In the evening of October 25, 1917, the Winter ...
ten years after the October Revolution that the movie recreated, Sergei Eisenstein had all Leningrad at his disposal. He took over the dead Tsar's Winter Palace, gleefully had himself photographed ...
Enter Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (born Ulyanov) and his Bolshevik party, which stormed and vandalized the Winter Palace in Petrograd—an act that would go down in history under the name of the “October ...
Twenty-five-year-old poet Alexander Briansky remembers the October Revolution and the taking of the Winter Palace: "Everyone rushed forward, shouting `Hurrah!' We climbed over the gates and broke ...
1917 Provisional forces move against the Bolsheviks in Saint Petersburg October 25, 1917 Bolshevik revolutionaries storm the Winter Palace and seize control of power from the Provisional Government ...